Monday, January 30, 2006


Rain, rain, what you do?

Don't you hate it when it looks like rain all day long? There I was wanting to take a bike ride and the sky looks like it's going to fall. So the waiting starts. Then it kind of clears up but it's time for a nap. Finally, I say to hell with it and take off but stay near home. Needed a pair of pants so rode down to Stein Mart but the pants look too formal for the pedicab man so I buy a pair at Oops for twenty bucks that don't look that great but they said 38" waist and fit [the other 47 pair of 38's were sized wrong]. It's still looking like rain so I hurry home so my new pants don't get wet. Back at the house the sun pops out so I head down to the Pig for some groceries but end up killing time at the Honda place cause it's got that rain look again [did you know Honda makes a 4 wheel drive wagon?]. This big black cloud is beating down on the Honda place so I rush back to the house where it's sunny. Then my friend Clark shows up with a box that I need to send to Alabama and since it's nice out, I head to the UPS store on my bike. Heading back home my luck ran out and I got wet and cold. Did 17 miles in all.

Today's Spell Check:

"the other 47 pair of 38's were sided wrong"

Now, this is a hard one. You could take the easy way out and think "were sized wrong" but I like the idea that Jim's pants have right and wrong sides.

So, let's assume the first 47 pairs had two fronts and no back...

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