Monday, May 08, 2006


First ride.........

I gave these kids their first ride as a married couple. They got married at the end of Folly Beach. Crazy Casey and I furnished transporatation.

"I furnished transporatation the last 1/4..."

"Transporatation" is that like when the rapture comes and you're lifted to the heavens? Or is it transportation with perspiration, which is what bike-taxi really means...

And the "last 1/4" - of what? The last 1/4 of single-ness?

Rule is never hit "apply" until the sentence is really done!!
Here is the rule; if it's perfect PCM didn't do it.

Having said that, in this case I published by mistake before it was finished and didn't notice till next day. Naturally, my best friend Patty caught me.

Girl, you better be nice or on our next ride you'll have to pay the "Hi, how are we doing today, honey" tip [for those who don't know Patty and I have a rule to triple tip any server who calls us honey].
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