Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I should get a tax deduction!!

We had a deal; he could spend the first year free, after that he would be paid $10.00 per rat. After 5 years on the payroll he has earned $5.00 [he crippled the rat and I had to kill it].

I figure he owes me about $500,000.00 for picking up poop, food and clothes etc.

Then again, he has been a lot of company and never complains which is worth about a million bucks. So I guess I owe him 1/2 million which he would use to buy about a million balls.

Of course, he can't do a tax return so the IRS would put a lien on the balls and I don't have the money so I guess we'll just be even.

Hope Jennifer doesn't see this picture of him on the couch; she would sell him cheap to the Korean Market.

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