Friday, December 08, 2006



It was so cold in Charleston this morning that Scooter sniffed, peed and pooped in 3 seconds flat. Then he followed Foxy Dog down the street into her house and wouldn't come back out [he's such an idiot].

One good thing; you can tell very quickly in this weather if your zipper is down.

I saw a Mini Cooper on the road this morning that looked just like Raccoon Lady's but I knew it wasn't her cause they didn't get on my bummer, honk the horn and shot me the bird.

If Britney, Paris, Tom and Vince all disappeared off the face of the earth 90% of the people in this country would have nothing to read. It would also be a good thing. To me the graft in the picture above is like them; it has no meaning.

I gotta go buy a real hat.

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