Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Housekeeping hints........
1. Throw away all those pieces of crap that they sell for brooms these days and buy a real broom. None of that Swiffer crap either.
2. Have clean sheets every week but only wash sheets and change the bed every two weeks. How? Put two sheets over the bottom sheet and sleep the first week between the bottom sheet and the 1st sheet then sleep between the 2nd and third sheet the next week. The 2nd sheet may get a little oily but who cares cause your .030 of an inch from the dirty side.
3. For crying out loud buy a real mop and none of that sponge crap.
4. In the kitchen nail all the cabinet doors below waist level shut. All that bending over putting stuff in them is wasted time not to mention the back troubles you get from haul stuff back out. If your a little person disregard this one.