Friday, February 29, 2008


Cave Man Wallace

I've been moving around slowly the last few days, kind of like a bear coming out of hibernation. This afternoon I finally scrambled to my feet, staggered out the cave and eased onto a bike. About a half a block down the street I suddenly realized I could NOT feel my fingers. No matter which higher power you believe in, frozen finger are a sign from above not to be ignored. Back to the cave. I got the thermostat turned up to 80F and the feeling is back in my hands. Better yet, Scooter has stopped shivering for the first time this winter. I just took a look at NOAA Weather and --okay, you Yankee's are going to laugh-- the temperature is 57F but with a gale blowing that is about 30 below on this Alabama Boy's wind chill chart. Got to go--time for a little snack and back to hibernation.

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