Sunday, February 10, 2008


Hmmmmm......meaty breath

I went to the Low Country Paddler's oyster roast on Saturday night. In case you're not familiar with this group they are a bunch of middle aged and older people, who paddle around in kayaks looking for a place to pee. They make fun of me cause I'm the nut who paddles backward--at least I have a pee cup. There were great oysters and tables full of other food at the event. Good turn out, they have over 200 members. I drank a few beers.

Got home about 8:30. Did I mention the few beers? Jennifer left a tin of breath mints on the kitchen counter and I had a couple. They were quite good. It wasn't till the next morning that I noticed they were Merry Mints for doggone fresh breath; the ORIGINAL dog breath mint. Main ingredient: Pork Liver! The upside; at least I didn't eat a hot dog, hamburger or God forbid Spam. I was thinking about blaming it all on Scooter, but when I gave him one of the mints he licked it once and walked away--now, Jennifer thinks I should eat that one too. Even worse, we never seems to be able to throw out useless stuff, so these mints will be around forever and you guessed it, I'll have a few beers a year from now and........


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