Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Grandmother arrested with Homeland Security device..

Jack's Grandmama visited with her family in San Francisco last week. She brought back two bottles of wine in her checked suitcase. The wine was opened by Homeland Security, a fact made clear by the tape used to re-pack which had "Inspected by Homeland Security" written on it. Let's get this right: Homeland Security goes to the trouble of taking a grandmother's suitcase, unpacking it, opening up wrapped up wine, looking at the bottles and neatly repacking the wine, using federal employees, making federal wages and getting federal benefits? Did it ever occur to these people that grandmama may have been smart enough to put whatever it was they thought she was hiding inside a wine bottle and reseal the bottle? Why did they check on a grandmama in the first place? Yea, I know... political correctness? Just in case you think there is some sanity in all this, think again: Those idiots at Homeland Security left their Stanley box cutters in grandmama's suitcase!!! I think grandma should return the box cutters by booking a return flight and carrying them back on the flight in her purse--I'll carry the video camera.


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