Thursday, March 06, 2008


Ready to roll....

This guys is ready for work but can you really call what he does work? Is getting out of the house at about 9:30 plus or minus a half hour--usually plus-- and casually riding a bicycle the four miles to downtown really work? Is riding around town on a Bike Taxi giving out business cards and BS-ing with friends really work? Probably not. However.....what about when those two 300 pound turons from New Jersey lumber into the cab? Take 600 pounds of turon ass, 150 pounds of bike and the 220 pound Pedicab Man and you got nearly a thousand pounds being peddled down the road on retirement age legs. Is this work? Well? Here is the answer: not no, but hell no. I find myself riding along with a big smile, putting some BS on the yankees and thinking.... it doesn't get any better than this!

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