Saturday, March 08, 2008


Simple plan

Unemployment numbers getting too high? Too many illegals in the country? Under utilized public transportation--that's buses Bubba?

Here is the plan: 1. Load up an under utilized bus with unemployed people. 2. Go to the nearest chicken processing plant, lettuce field, golf course, construction site etc. 3. Arrest a bus load of illegals and replace them at the job site with the unemployed Americans. 4. Give the bus driver an armed guard and a credit card and take illegals back to Mexico. Note: any of the unemployed who didn't want to work would be put in a new unemployment category called 'Dead Beat Unemployed' and we could all ignore this category. Any of the illegals who want a civil rights lawyer could get one in Mexico and pursue his case from his home country. a country with 12-14 million illegals, most of whom work, how hard can it be to enforce current immigration laws and create at least 5-10 thousand job opening a month? This would settle an argument; "Are there really any unemployed Americans out there that are willing to take a illegal aliens job?" Are you?

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