Wednesday, April 16, 2008



TV is crap but started with a lot of promise. In the old days of TV you got some news, sports and a few funny programs. It gave you something to do between books or talking to friends. That's not to say we still don't get some funny tv programs, trouble is it's the same one--Andy Griffith. Email also started out with a lot of promise particularly as a way to keep up with friends and family and to do business. It seems to have degenerated into junk mail, stupid jokes and information you would pay not to get. Surely, you've gotten the stupid joke from Fred in Denver? You know... the one he sent to his accountant, who forwarded to his old school chum, who sent it to his cousin in New Jersey, who cc it to a customer in Florida, who sent it to her uncle in St. Louis, who forwarded it to his hairdresser in Tuscumbia, who sent it to aka John. You know John? The guy who sends you emails you don't want to read? You remember him? The person who sends you stupid jokes, xxx rate pic's, chain letters, prayer requests and crappy videos! Of course you don't know many kids does he have, is he married, favorite movie, sports he likes --oh, maybe not true, remember those nude volleyball pic's--his favorite charity, what books he's likes or if he has a pet? Today, most email isn't about developing or keeping up with old friends it about CRAP-OLA. I got a video the other day showing middle aged women doing stupid things and in every clip someone was getting hurt; apparantly seeing people get bruises, sprained ankles, dislocated shoulders, black eyes and hurt feelings is funny to someone up the fwd, fwd, fwd chain? Is it just me, or have we had enough of this trash?

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