Sunday, June 15, 2008


Day 12 Winchester to Lowell, Idaho 75 miles

Day 12 Winchester to Lowell, ID 75 miles.
Another long day but with only 2,100 feet of climbing. The rocks [ Keith, Judy and myself] were on the road at 7:00 AM. The breakfast spot we picked on route was closed so we did 43 miles before stopping for lunch at Kamiah, including a nice 10 mile down hill. Kamiah is near the Nez Perce Indian Reservation. They say property is all about location, location, location. If this is true the Indians really got screwed cause there ain’t to much in them there hills.
Lowell is location on the Middle Fork of the Clearwater River and our cabin at the 3 Fork Inn has the river as an extension of the front lawn. This place is first class in the world of river rat camps, really not bad. They even had a veggie burger in the café.
I’ve mentioned before that our riding friend Cal has been getting cookies mailed to him at different motels on the route. Keith came up with a plan to get his friends to send cookies. He send an email to them and said, "I want to thanks everyone who has sent cookies." Now he is getting emails from friends asking for his schedule so they can send goodies. We’ll all be fat as pigs before this is over.
WIFI and cell service that works have been hard to find on this part of the trip so my calls home and blog updates have been sporadic.

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