Tuesday, June 03, 2008


XC Arrival in Oregan..........

Continental Airlines did a good job–for awhile there I didn’t think I’d be able to say that again about any airline. Arrive Portland on schedule at 11:00 AM. Rich, the group leader, picked up several of us at the airport in the pickup truck, we are using to pull the mother ship–cargo trailer. I lucked into a jump seat in the back and thought they would have to use the jaws-of-life to get me out when we reached Astoria, OR. The Lamplighter motel we stayed at for the first couple nights is nicer than a flop house and about typical for XC ride budgets– the staff was first class.. I guess you could say it’s an Uncle Bill kind of place.
I’m rooming with Rich Gallo, the group leader –he needs to keep an eye on me--and Ron Winney. Ron is from Canada and even though I’ve reported him to the police several times he hasn’t been deported yet. So far, living on the road with an Italian from New York –shades of Patty Girl– and a Canuck has been great fun. Kind of like camp.
The happy hour and route rap–review of the next days ride– has given us all a chance to become friends. We’ve done a good job in this area. By the time I picked up my bike from Bikes and Beyond, finish the bikes assembly, had a group meeting and ate dinner it was 9:00 local time. I ran into the one and only bike taxi guy in Astoria, OR after dinner. We bonded, then took turns riding each other in the pedicab back to my motel. Lights out.

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