Friday, July 11, 2008


Pickstown to Springfield, SD 55 miles

I was riding with Ron and we stopped at Warner and Avon, South Dakota at the local cafe/bar/gas station where old folks were having coffee. I would get thing going with, "We’re riding bicycles across country, have run out of money and need a job. We can drive a tractor!" In a few minutes we’d all be sitting there chatting away. We talked to about half the population and 90% of the voters in these towns and I think Ron should run for Mayor and I’ll become the paid City Manager. Most of the citizens winter in Florida so if they need to talk with the new Mayor he'll already be there.
Did I mention it's been windy? In South Dakota a 20-30 mph wind is called calm and a 30-40 mph wind is called a breeze.So far the breeze hasn't been head on. No picture today. Hasn't everyone seen flat fields of corn, wheat and grass, not to mention blue sky and green trees?

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