Thursday, January 01, 2009


New Years Eve..

Jennifer took her favorite guy to a New Years Eve party held by our neighbors in the back.  I had to help them over the fence. The fence is about a 3 foot high chain link which Jack has figured out how to defeat when he wants to play with the kids back there.  God help us.

Jennifer made some peach cider which tasted like siht.  I added a little whiskey and sweet vermouth to mine and invented the worlds best Manhattan.  I'm going to open a chain of bars that only make this drink.  I'll make millions.

Jennifer also also worked on New Years Resolutions for the guys.  Here are mine: 1. learn to poop in the potty, 2. be good to the new baby when it comes, 3. play nice with Lulu and Scooter.  I did good with all mine the morning. Jack resolution is  to sweep up when he makes a mess cooking in the kitchen--which he didn't do this morning.  

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