Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Comes around, goes around.

USA Today reports that the the per-capita consumption of meat and poultry is over 217 pounds--which shows what I know since I always consider poultry a meat.  In addition we consume 205 pounds of milk/cream, 31 pounds of cheese, 5 pounds of butter and 252 eggs.  That would be 458 pounds of flesh and animal by products and 252 aborted chickens times about 230 million people.  

Thinking about all the pain and suffering factory farm animals have to go through to produce all this crap is mind boggling.  Maybe you don't give a rats ass about brutality to animals?   I'll bet you are one the majority of Americans who gives a rats ass about their own pain and suffering?  In that case you might want to do a Google search on "high protein diets and cancer" or "high protein diets and diabetes" or "high protein diets and heart disease".    The good news is all the kids are getting plenty of steroids and growth hormones....FOR FREE.


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