Monday, June 01, 2009

My bike taxi turned over 1,000 miles just in time for the city to crack down on the number of pedicabs allowed on the streets.  Since I try not to take rides from the kids I'm off the taxi for awhile.  In the mean time the tourons have a 20-30 minute wait for a taxi on Friday and Saturday nights.   Just another good example of our tax dollars at work, God forbid we let the free market work.  

Planning a New England ride with Patty and Ron, in August, so with all this spare time I've started training.  My plan to take my folding bike on this trip--it's easy to ship-- went to hell after the first training ride.  Not even a real training ride.  I rode to the bike shop to purchase a new odometer and got a bad case of the sore butt, pain in the shoulders and hand cramps.   So it's back to the first training ride on it was to the drug store to get a new battery for it's odometer.  My life is one big ass circle,  which I ride on different bikes. 

The picture is the 2029 Auburn fullback who scores eight winning touch downs to beat Bama 120 to NOTHING--this is the game where  the Bama radio announcers leave at half time and ABC Sports switches to Colgate vs Temple. 

You need the MB back for training purposes?
Not no but hell no! Jeez, it's enough work to petal these other boats around without worrying about the damn Queen Mary II.
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