Thursday, July 16, 2009


Barefoot runnning update

I'm running/walking a couple miles a day barefoot or in sandals. So far I feel great and have not taken any Motrin yet. People seem concerned about my well being-- particularly my mental well being-- and bring up all kinds of objections to this newest activity. Apparently, there is a least a 99% chance I'll step on a needle and get AIDS followed closely by broken glass and rusty nails wounds--I never knew drugs and trash were that big of deal on the Greenway. Then there are all those dog siht fears. The only thing I can figure is some people don't siht otherwise it seems like they would know by now that a little of the stuff won't kill you or maybe dog siht is just different in some way from human siht? Anyway I'm so worked up about all this that last night I laid awake for 2 seconds worrying.

Today the a guy a the running/bike shop told me it wasn't natural to run barefoot. He said that people have evolved to run in shoes. I was damn near speechless. Let's see, the modern running shoe was developed less than 40 years ago and the evolutionary processes kicked in and now we can't run properly without them? I'm not surprised a guy making money selling over priced shoes would not be a objective about barefoot running. It's about the money and the list of money makers includes all those orthopedists making beach house payments off running injuries. Do you think your going to get honest answers from the Running Industry?

My advice? If you want to runner faster with less injuries start getting away from those expensive shoes. Do what I did, take a barefoot run on grass, I think it will change your thinking.

I find this facinating -not that I would run in those sandals you wear - my ankles couldn't take it (many injuries not related to running) - but I certainly "buy" into the cheaper shoe idea. I never buy over-priced "running" shoes and haven't had a problem at all. Good luck Barefoot Man and watch out for the shit!
Most assuredly your theories on the evolution of the foot seem to be far more sound than the "expensive shoe salesman's." Thanks for the laugh. Good luck on your cross-state adventures!
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