Monday, August 24, 2009
Day 10 Crown Point to Middlebury, VT...29 miles 2,000 feet of climbing
Since it was a low mileage day and Patty couldn't convince us to "tour" by stopping at Fort Ticonderoga, we got a later start from the B&B, heading out at 10am. Some up and downs on the 8 mile ride to the ferry in Ticonderoga. The ferry carried us back to our old hunting grounds in Vermont; the first few miles in VT were on our route a week earlier. It didn't seem like a hard ride and we were was a little surprised by the amount of climbing in less than 30 miles. Maybe the flat-landers in the group are getting used to the terrain? It was also nice to have Sarah carrying some of our load - we had taken only what we needed for the day on the bikes.
This was one of those days that had a nice start and great ending with out much to remember in the middle. The views of the wide valley up to Middlebury were wonderful; comparable to the expansive views we had of Lake Champlain. Middlebury turned out to be great. A person could do a whole vacation in and around Middlebury. Plenty of New England charm, great food and two good bike shops in one little town.
We stayed at the Middlebury Inn, which Derna declared to hve the best beds so far. We had a great lunch at Sama's and an even better dinner at Marie and Tully's, right on the river on their deck.