Monday, November 09, 2009


Another week on the trail..

I'm always thinking of cool stuff to say on the blog while running. Trouble is old age..forget the stuff before it gets written down.

I do remember thinking about the ass factor while running last week. This is a bit from "Born to Run" in which he discusses our genetic predisposition towards running. Turns out asses are a real asset to running and one of many reasons humans are the worlds best long distance runners-- and you thought they are just for kissing, chewing out and setting on. Our nearest relatives in the animal kingdom, chimps, don't have a fanny since it is it is useless for standing or walking. However when you run upright --like humans-- it's acts as a counter balance to keep you from falling to far forward and a great storage area for those big Gluteus Maximus we need to be such great runners. So lets all get out there and put those asses to work.

My ass stay busy last week doing 30.5 miles including a 12 mile long run. The total also includes several trash miles behind the jogging stroller with Baby Baker. This hard week easy week plan seem to be working so I plan to cut back again this week and try to do a 14 mile long run a week from next Saturday. My long run water problem was solved this week by having two water bottles and a back-pack hydration systems alone for the ride.

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